PPRINTING Help Window for Table Displays Entering New Data: To enter a new record, press the INS key and a form will be displayed with prompts for the fields. Changing Data : Use the cursor keys to position the selection bar over the record you wish to change and press the enter key. Deleting Records : Use the cursor keys to position the selection bar over the record you wish to delete and press the DEL key. Moving Around : Use the keys to move up and down, PgUp/PgDn to move up and down one full page, and Ctrl-PgUp /Ctrl-PgDn to move to the first/last record. Dialing : Press F5 to bring up the dialing menu. Press ENTER for help on Printing Options Press ESC to return Help Window for Group Printing Full Listing: Selecting this option will print all available information for every record in the currently selected group. Names and Phone Numbers Only: Selecting this option will print the names and phone numbers for every record in the currently selected group. Mailing Labels: Selecting this option will print mailing labels for every record in the currently selected group. This option is formatted for standard size address labels. Press ESC to return MMERGE Main Menu Help Screen The following options are available from the Main Menu: Display/Edit/Select: Select this option to display the database for viewing, editing, or selecting (tagging) individual records for printing or merging. Several display options are available. Create Merge File: Select this option to create a secondary merge file of selected or grouped records. The secondary merge file can then be MERGED into a WordPerfect document. Printing Menu: Selecting this option will display several printing options. Other printing options can be found in the display tables by pressing F3. Utilities: Selcting this option will display a menu of the utility options. These include "Configure Amaster", "Rebuild Data Files", and "Registration Form". Press ESC to return to Amaster or use the cursor keys to highlight (when yellow) an area you would like more information on and press return. EMERGE2 Merging Concepts What does it mean to merge into a WordPerfect document? WordPerfect has a feature called "Merging" or "Mail Merging" that allows the end user to create a primary file or template and combine that file with a secondary file. The primary file is usually a letter, label, or custom report where field codes (numbers in this case) are substituted for actual names or data. The secondary file then provides the actual data and fills in the fields creating a copy of the primary file for each record complete with all the fields filled in. The end user would then print or save the resulting file. This gives you the ability to type a letter once, and let WordPerfect fill in the name and address for each person you wish to send it to. Creating a template or primary file: Creating the template in WP is identical to creating a normal document except that you leave out specific names or data and replace them with field codes. These field codes (numbers) relate to fields stored in the secondary file and tell WP which data to use and where. The field codes designated by Amaster are listed in the README.TXT file included with the shareware version or included in a printout for registered versions. To insert a field code into a document, press SHIFT-F9, 1, # of field to insert. Press ESC to return to Amaster or ENTER for more information on merging EMERGE3 Merging Concepts - Page 2 Creating a secondary merge file in Amaster: To create a secondary merge file in Amaster, choose the "Create Merge File" option from the main menu. Choose to create the file from selected (tagged) records or an entire group. Records can be selected or deselected from the display tables. There is also an option to select/deselect all records by pressing Ctrl-S from the display tables. Amaster will ask you for the name to use for the secondary merge file it is about to create (if you are merging by group, you will first be asked which group to merge). Merging the two files: After you have created a template and secondary file, you merge the two files in WordPerfect. You will need to define a few special codes to WordPerfect the first time you merge with an Amaster file. Press Shift-F1, 4, 1. Change the fields to look like: 1 - Field delimiters - Begin ` (note direction) 2 - Record delimiters - Begin (no character needed) (Use the F7 key to move from one field to the next) Press ESC to return to Amaster or ENTER for more information on merging Merging Concepts - Page 3 Merging the two files (Cont'd): With the merging codes defined, you are now ready to merge the two files. Press Ctrl-F9, 1, name of the primary file, name of the secondary file (Amaster defaults to c:\wp\merge.dat) WP will then display the merge codes press enter to accept them as they are. A few seconds later, the two documents are merged into one large document. There will be a copy of the primary for each record in the secondary. Now you should print or save the resulting document. Press ESC to return to Amaster Help Window for Other Printing Options Print Full Record: Will print all available information for the currently highlighted record. Print Name and Phone Numbers Only: Selecting this option will print the name, home phone number, work phone number, and fax phone number for the currently highlighted record. Print Mailing Label: Selecting this option will print a mailing label for the highlighted record. This option is formatted to print on standard sized address labels. Group Printing Options: This option is only available from the display by group table. Selecting this option will display another menu with options for printing the entire selected group. Form Feed: Will advance the printer to the next page. Press ESC to return Help Window for Printing Options Press F3: Will display a menu with printing options, such as print full record, print name & phone numbers only and print mailing labels for the currently highlighted record. Note: To print the entire database or all selected records, select the printing menu from the main menu. Press ESC to return DISPLAY GROUPPRI MAIN MERGE MERGE2 MERGE3 OTHERPRI PRINTING8